Thursday, January 7, 2010

Translation Please

I'm assuming this is some Chinese spambot trying to sell me boner pills, but I can't read these damn fur'ner squiggles.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I managed to be sober enough to upload a photo from my phone (of the GF's Halloween costume for some reason) on NYE, but too drunk to remember doing so.

Friday, January 1, 2010

About Me

My photo
Gudis is the evil space virus that is determined to destroy and consume every other life form in the Universe. Gudis has now come to Earth. Once infected with the Gudis Virus, the victim is unable to control itself and becomes part of Gudis' plan. The power of Gudis continues to grow and develop as it assimilates other creatures into itself. He currently resides in northern Illinois.